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Infants and Children

We take pride in caring for little ones. Chiropractic care is beneficial from birth. Optimizing nervous system function allows children to grow up healthier, happier, and with fewer instances of common childhood complications. We take care of children of all ages, from newborns to teenagers. So, feel free to bring them in to get checked!


Children are constantly interacting, exploring the world, and finding new things to get into. We're here to help with every step along the way. Improved nervous system function and adaptability have been shown to impact children's health. Aside from keeping children healthy, regular adjustments have been shown to improve some secondary expressions*. If you are interested in how chiropractic can help your little ones with any of the following, or are curious if we can help with anything else, please contact us.

  • Wellness

  • Chronic Ear infections

  • Difficulties Breastfeeding 

  • Cold/Flu

  • Colic

  • Headaches and Migraines

  • TMJ dysfunction

  • Improved Adaptability

  • Subluxation​

  • Asthma


  • Bed Wetting

  • Constipation

  • Growing Pains

* Chiropractic care is not intended to replace your pediatricians care nor the care of any medical specialist. It is a supplement to treatment provided by your medical doctor. Any health care concerns should always be discussed with your primary care physician to rule out pathology and to make sure you are a good candidate for non-invasive alternative care. We do not specifically cure or treat any of these issues, however it is not uncommon to see resolution or improvement of secondary expressions as a result of chiropractic care. 

© 2020 Lumos Innate Centered Chiropractic, PLLC

Lumos Chiropractic

7171 S. Braden Ave.

Tulsa, OK 74136

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